Office lingo are the phrases being frequently used in Corporates during formal conversation.
Office lingo sometimes turns barriers to smooth communication and create problem among employees. So here , We bring you the phrases being used by Manager which are quite annoying but you must know their meaning .It will turns helpful for your work life.


 Blue sky thinking - empty thinking without influence

Think outside the box - think creatively

Touch base offline - lets meet and talk

Close of play - end of the day

Going forward - look ahead

No brainer - so obvious

Action that - put into practice

Drill down - investigate thoroughly

Thought shower - brainstorm

Argh: These phrases are driving you mad(Image: Getty)

Flogging a dead horse - waste your efforts

Hot desking - sharing several desks with colleagues

Heads up - notification

It's on my radar - I'm considering it

Joined up thinking - thinking about all the facts

Bring to the table - contribution to the group

Punch a puppy - do something detestable but good for the business

Run this up the flagpole - try it out

Cracking the whip - use your authority to make someone work better

Moving the goalposts - change criteria

EOP - end of play

Working fingers to the bone - working very hard

Game changer - fundamental shift

It's not rocket science - it's not difficult

Hit the ground running - start work quickly

Ping - get back to

Low hanging fruit - easy win business

Singing from the same hymn sheet - all on the same page

Strategic staircase - business plan

Park something - hold an idea

Benchmark - point of reference

COB - close of business

Reach out - contact

Re-inventing the wheel - steal the idea from someone else

Dot the I's and cross the t's - pay attention

Best practice - most effective way

Al Desko - lunch at the desk

Backburner - de-prioritise

Pick it up and run with it - move ahead with an idea

Play hardball - act forcefully

This idea has legs - good idea

Synergy - two things work together

I'm swamped - busy

It's a win / win - good for both sides

Look under the bonnet - analyse the situation

Quick and dirty - quick solution.

Peel the onion - examine the problem

Out of the loop - not involved in the decision

Wow factor - amazing

Helicopter view - broad view of the business

Elevator pitch - brief presentation

